Saturday, January 08, 2011

Welcome traveler - the future is NOW

I found this great spot I bet TONS of folks knew about already: Goodreads. I finally have a place I can post book reviews in a quick manner, and a place to find more books to read. And I dig the list of recent reviews because it’s such a mixed bag you don’t know what you’ll run across while exploring.

What does all this mean? It means I’m coming out of the cave and discovering technology. Uh oh. That can only hint at much trouble to come.

Personally I get bogged down sometimes by all the tech floating around. Maybe because I’m working on a computer all day for the day job. Not sure. But I have decided it’s worth it to judiciously connect here and there, because there's a ton of cool things and people to find. I see some folks are plugged in everywhere. Impressive. They’ve figured out the secrets of bending time. Not to post resolutions, I want to bypass written records of intentions as much as possible this year, but, I’m shooting for balance. Balance in work/home, balance in organic/tech, balance in busy/and chill. That means balance in off and on line, because on line is a place curious travelers can lose themselves in, like visiting the fairy realm. Time is different, fluid and trippy. So back to Goodreads: it makes it easy to shop and easy fits in with the 2011 master plan of balance. There, master plan. Way better than ‘annual resolutions’. So props Goodreads, and my favorite authors and those yet to become favorites, reviews coming at you!

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